
Archive for the ‘Virtual Reality’ Category

Brainstorm (1983)From “I think therefore I am” to “Thinking is the best way to travel” of so much of our knowledge base, VR and our perception of the real world is based upon the most fabulous, as yet unmatched, CPU – our brain. If we can imagine the power of taking a dizzying array of light pulses, sound waves, gaseous chemicals and electrical micro jolts that make up a real handshake, or hug, that our 2.5 lb friend turns into a life-long memory of someone we have met – then we can use that same process and build real sensory images/feelings/smells from the stored power of the brain to ‘replay’ or create new such handshakes from within the ultimate UI. Is “BrainStorm” possible? Maybe…

Go Ask AliceMore discussion of the current efforts to add physical attributes to Virtual Reality – Getting “in touch” with Virtual Reality in the group Virtual Worlds of Tomorrow of the Association of Virtual Worlds.

Also, see the Knowledge Networking group, with meetings in SL.

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